Friday, January 7, 2011

It Has Been a Long Time...

Dad, July 2010

The holidays are here and gone. This was a very different year for us. Dad was sick and that seemed to throw everything out of kilter. I am currently back with him now. I have been here for nearly a week and will be with him for another 10 days or so. My parents both live a distance from me. In fact, my entire family lives a distance from me. It isn't easy to see any of my family on a regular basis. The older I get, the less I like this.

I have been thinking about lots of issues:  elderly parents, how to care for elderly parents, advocating for good health care, health insurance and many more along these lines.

I am reading an insightful book called Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease  by Caldwell B. Esselstyn. It is wonderful and I recommend it. If I get home in time, Jim and I are going to sign up for the Wellness Challenge sponsored by The Wellness Foundation. This is a free program for residents of the town of East Hampton. Both the book and the challenge are focused on plant based diets. Many of the health issues that our country faces would be eliminated or reduced if we went this route. I am going to take this challenge and see where it takes me.

I ask that you hold good thoughts for my dad; thank you.

Expect good things....