Saturday, October 22, 2011

A Long Time Gone....

Sunflowers, August 2011

If you are trying to be a vital player in this internet-texting-social media world, what I have done over the past 5 months is definitely not recommended. It is not a good idea to start a blog, write it for a while, get a little better at it, have a few people interested-reading-commenting on it and then just plain-old stop writing it. That is not a good idea.  It goes into the "Don't try this at home" category.

I don't even want to bore you with all of the reasons why that happened. Just know that I was very, very busy with my life and felt I had very little to give to anything other than the daily needs of whatever job I was working, my family, my household--never did get the grass cut before the landlord came by--and my own well-being.

Old Tractor, July 2011

Life right now is really racing by. Things feel like they are happening really quickly. Ned is a senior in high school and making his way towards the next chapter in his life....which will also be the next chapter in my life. There is much turmoil, unrest, and action happening in our country and around the world. I like the drive, the spunk, the energy in all of it.  I like the passion that people are feeling about what is happening to the world. I like being a part of the world. I think this is a good time to write about, document in photos and share with you. 

Rye Grass, July 2011

Expect good things.....