Sunday, December 2, 2012

Holiday Decoration on Debris Pile @ Breezy Point, 11/11/12

Dear Readers,

This Holiday Season, I would like to suggest making donations toward the Sandy Relief Effort in lieu of gifts.  The grass roots mobilization toward Sandy Relief is really commendable. Every posting I read on Facebook warms my heart: donations of food, diapers, clothing, solar generators, sleeping bags, gift cards, clean-up duties, socks, photo restoration, underwear, books, volunteers, volunteers, and more volunteers. From the East End, people are driving daily—some on buses and some in their own cars—100 miles to the west to help those in need. So if you are so inclined, please consider making donations to these worthy organizations this holiday season. I am in no way affiliated with any of these groups. I also encourage you to do your own research before you donate. The information I am providing here was collected from the organization's websites as well as from first-hand experience.

Breezy Point, 11/11/12

Accepting donations for East End Cares. Please read about this phenomenal group HERE.
100% of funds given to East End Cares go directly to relief efforts.

From the website:

"Monetary Donations -  Secure online tax-deductible donations can be made to Paddlers for Humanity,
a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.  All funds will immediately be given to East End Cares."  

You can make a donation here:

Power Rockaways Resilience

This is a group that moved into The Rockaways swiftly after the storm and brought in power. The first I saw of them, they were providing solar powered charging stations for cell phones. This gave the storm victims the ability to use their phones to communicate with their families, insurance companies, jobs, etc.  Many of these people, almost 5 weeks later, still have no electricity.

From their website:

"Power Rockaways Resilience is a project of the CMRC (Coastal Marine Resource Center) which is a 501C3 so all your contributions will be tax deductible. Also, please note, this is a flexible funding campaign, so any donations will be available immediately and immediately put to use for the benefit of the Rockaways."

Please read about their fundraising campaign here; it ends on December 20th @ midnight. The campaign receives all funds contributed. 


Breezy Point, 11/11/12

And very dear to my heart, is CARE FOR SANDY.  From their website:

"CARE stands for Cherished Albums Restoration Effort. Our mission is simple: to offer FREE digital restoration services for individuals and families whose salvaged photos have been damaged by October's devastating hurricane."

Some of the most heartbreaking experiences I have had @ Breezy Point have been finding the random, damaged photographs that are just lying around on the ground. This picture of an unidentified child in a snow suit was in Ann's backyard. She has no idea who it is...I get teary every time I look at it.

"Because whereas cars, homes and jobs are replaceable, images of mom & dad's honeymoon, baby's first steps and great great grandpa's sole surviving portrait are priceless. Photos contain deep-rooted significance. Photos preserves stories! Photos foster soul and spirit."

So if you know any storm victims who could use these services, please refer them to CARE FOR SANDY.  This group is not yet set up to take financial donations, however they do need equipment. Please take a look at their list of needs HERE

And from their website:

"CARE for Sandy is not yet a federally registered not-for-profit charity, which means it cannot yet legally accept cash contributions. It’s a grassroots effort, currently being coordinated/web administrated/designed/written/ideated by a team of one from a home office in Park Slope, Brooklyn. That said, if you're an attorney who would like to help us achieve not-for-profit status, we're all ears!"

So, if you are an attorney or you know an attorney who would like to help out in the Sandy Relief effort, please reach out to this invaluable group.

The Generosity of  Spirit that I have seen as result of this natural disaster has reinforced my love of humanity. Anything that we do to help, any little bit of attention given to this  effort is invaluable. The help will be needed for a long, long time.

I thank you with a full heart and wish you and your families a Healthy, Happy, Peaceful Holiday Season.

I will continue to expect good things....