Monday, March 7, 2011

Morning Walks....

Sebastian Inlet, FL  March, 2011

We have been taking walks every morning within the condominium complex. What a great way to start the day! The body moves, the mind slowly wakes up, all of the senses come alive. The sounds in the morning are wonderful. There are loads of birds here: herons, egrets, grackles and crows, sandhill cranes, woodpeckers, gulls and vultures. All of them with different calls; it makes wonderful morning music. As well, every person that you walk past says hello and/or waves. There is a great sense of friendliness and neighborliness here.  Last night we took a walk before we turned in. It was still and the stars were out by the millions; we heard bull frogs and an owl. The night time sounds are so different from the day. You can't see the critters making the noise, so a slight sense of unease runs up the back. Funny how that is.

I found out about an outstanding website today called Organic .  Anyone at all interested in the food that you eat ought to check this site out. They have a blog called Organic Bytes . I recommend reading this and subscribing to it. It was here that I found out that some Boca Burger Products contain genetically modified ingredients.  

"It's a fact that much of the high-quality soy grown in the U.S. has been genetically 
engineered, so the traditional BOCA line of soy-based products may contain 
ingredients derived from these crops." 
This is a quote from frequently asked questions on the Boca Products site.

What? Are you kidding me?  To call this a disappointment is an understatement. I am not clear how to tell which Boca products do or don't contain genetically modified ingredients, but you better believe I am going to scrutinize the labels from now on and may just stop buying them altogether. 

Another incredibly educational site that I found is called the Non -GMO Project .  You must take a look @ it to educate yourself and your loved ones. I just found out that the Pacific Brand Oat Milk and Almond Milk we have been drinking is safe and does not contain any genetically modified ingredients. 

We must be our own teachers and advocates. These websites will help you on the safe, delicious food journey if that is the path you are on.

Expect good things....

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