Saturday, November 5, 2011

Breath-taking November Beauty....

"Our task must be to free ourselves by widening our circle of compassion to embrace 
all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty."

Yesterday I pulled into my driveway. The gravel and dried leaves crunched under my tires. My radio was playing a classic-rock song by Queen. As Freddy Mercury crooned on, my eye caught movement in the backyard. I turned down the radio and shut off the ignition. There, nearly camouflaged by the autumnal colors, stood a male deer with a sizable rack on his head. He stood as still as a stone. I watched him through the windshield of the car; he was unmoving. I gathered up my belongings and quietly opened the door. I gingerly walked across the gravel until I reached the first stone of the walkway to the house and stopped. It was fairly quiet. I heard a distant car on the road a short distance away. There was a lone crow cawing across the yard and the breathing of this silent, strong buck.

We looked at each other; there was something so direct and still and steady in his gaze.
I said out loud: "You take good care. You are welcome and safe in this yard. You are beautiful."
It was a sweet moment---that steady, unmoving gaze watching me.
I took a breath and went inside the house.

In reference to Mr. Einstein's quote, here is a video that is so beautiful, I can barely think of
words to describe it; you have to watch it HERE.  It is a murmuration which is the proper name
for a flock of starlings. The event itself is a phenomenon which I have witnessed, 
but never to this extent.
Beyond that though, is the sheer joy and absolute awe of the two film- makers.
Watch it and pass it is good!

Expect good things.....

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