Sunday, October 3, 2010


Sagg Pond Corn, November 2008

It was with overwhelming sadness that I read about the suicide of Tyler Clementi. The bleakness of this story leaves me nearly, heartbreakingly speechless. I feel frightened when I think that this young college student was literally bullied to death for being himself. I feel frightened because it could happen to anyone we know. We are very fragile beings and don't know how much anyone but ourselves can tolerate.

When I hear about any type of bullying, I become enraged. I have experienced my share of bullying in this life. It is terrifying to be bullied, or to have someone you love be bullied. It can be a situation that leaves you feeling panicked, full of anxiety, extremely unnerved and with whatever you have left in you, you will certainly also feel enraged. However, sometimes the fear is so great that you can't do anything to protect or defend yourself. Bullies are smart, manipulative, mean, sneaky people. So sometimes, even when you ask for help, you often don't get it.

All I can think to say is that we must all of us work extremely hard not to let this type of behavior go on. If you are a parent talk to your children about bullying; go to your school and demand to know what they are doing to teach tolerance. If you are a teacher, go to your school and demand to know what they are going to do to continue to teach tolerance. If you are a citizen of a community that you care about, find out what you can do to help teach tolerance. One of the best organizations that I know of for teaching tolerance is the Southern Poverty Law Center. They have a program for schools; you can get a copy of their latest Teaching Tolerance film for free. Did you hear me say for free?

In light of this posting, I find it difficult to sign off in my usual manner.
But with great honor and love for Mr. Clementi, his family, and all others who have suffered from bullying, I will leave you with a sense of hope for a more tolerable, loving world, and will still sign off with:

Expect good things....

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