Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Just Plain Delicious....

The Best Tasting Salad There Is!  Sept. 2010

This salad is one of the simplest dishes to make and it never fails to satisfy me. I do believe I posted about this salad a few weeks ago, during the peak tomato/cucumber season, but I must write about it again. Tonight, while I was making dinner, I noticed a handful of Sun Gold tomatoes still in a bowl on the counter. Right next to it was a plump Kirby cucumber. So I chopped them up with a scallion and got some of my basil from the deck. The dressing is safflower oil, white balsamic vinegar, salt & pepper. Every time I make this salad, I think it will be good. Then, I take a taste after tossing it together and it just blows my mind! Something about the pungent, almost licorice-y basil with the crisp cucumber and the very sweet, juicy tomatoes makes for the perfect salad. I do not think that this photo will really express how good it is, and I know my writing won't express it. So, I recommend just making a batch for yourself and your family. Hurry up before the cucumbers and tomatoes are gone for good. We never have any of this left at the end of the meal. Tonight, we will have it with a quiche I made with sauteed sun dried tomatoes, scallions, garlic, basil and goat cheese. 
Dinner in 10 minutes!

Expect good things....

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