Sunday, September 12, 2010

Appreciation for Familiarity

The familiar face of Marcello, 16 year old Best Cat in the World
Have you ever taken a look @ something--a room you live in, the face of someone you love, your favorite pet or flower, an old book that has been held by many hands over time--and had a surge of compassion in your heart? Have you had that experience of actually feeling like your heart skips a beat and takes your breath away for an instant? It is Sunday morning, I worked for 12 hours straight yesterday. It was a beautiful day, happy bride and groom, loads of loving friends and family. That kind of work is interesting....the days are long and the agenda for the day is very full, and I almost forget about everything else in my life. In this situation, the only thing to do is move forward, work hard, and hope for the best. It was good to get home after midnight and cozy up in bed with someone I love. This morning when I woke up, the temperature had dropped, the sky was overcast, and Fall was in the air. Jim had made my coffee and I was preparing it in my favorite cup. I looked over at the row of jars on his counter: coffee, tea, cookies, nuts and granola. The warm light from the stove fell across the cherry counter tops, and my heart gave one of those little flutters. I felt comforted by being in a space that is full of familiar love and dependability. It seems lately I keep thinking and writing about the simple pleasures of life, but it is these small things that keep me going in a very complex, extremely challenging world. This week I have exercise class and I have a meeting with my artist's group; this means I am going to be out around dinner time for 2 nights. Now I don't like this, because I like to be home with my family at the end of the day. This feeling doesn't stop me from going out, but I am very aware of how important the time together is. I will try to prepare some food ahead of time that can be eaten while I am gone....that will make me feel better (and will also make my hungry family happy!) My gratitude for the familiar things in my life is alive this morning...

Expect good things...


anniewatson said...

Great piece, Ellie, and yes, I do love that familiar stuff. The smell of Nana's house, lol! I went to the vet today in my old town, and it was such a nice feeling being there. I kinda wanted to go in my old room and take a nap!

Anonymous said...

One of the familiar things I love so much is you!! I love that feeling of looking at something and feeling that same rush of love even though you may have seen that thing a billion times before. I often feel that way about nature, the sky, the clouds, the sun. or looking at or holding a baby..and I also feel that way about my pets. Mookie is 17 and 6 pounds and I love her just as much if not more than the day she came to live with me. And, I love you too!!