Sunday, September 5, 2010

Five Days in September, 9/5/10

Nonna's Apples
I will write this now as tomorrow I will be in the car for most of the day. We head home very early in the morning. I hate to leave here. I don't like to leave Nonna; it is so nice to be here with her. The house is gorgeous and relaxing. The cats are so sweet. Nonna and Ned have been playing cards all afternoon. At one point, we went out to the back room and I stretched out on the hammock wrapped up in a quilt. It was quite chilly with loads of clouds in the sky; we could see a beautiful blue between the various layers as they moved slowly west. There was a mother robin with a baby bird....a baby bird in August! What is that all about? That goes in the Alfie file for sure....

We went over to the side yard and picked apples to take home. One of the big old trees in the yard is almost completely hollow and producing some of the crispest, sweetest apples I have ever had. We decided that one good blow and that tree might just topple over. Good thing no one is ever hanging around in that yard. 

I collected a bunch of seeds that might work as anti-deer plants: Mullein, Lamb's Ears, Mallow and Echinacea. I don't think the Echinacea is anti-deer, but I can put it on the deck next summer....and all of the seeds came from Nonna's yard.

We just showed Nonna the Chris Bliss video. The one where he juggles to The Beatles Golden Slumbers....she loved it. If you haven't seen it, be sure to check it out. If you have seen it, watch it can't help but feel good after watching that.

 It has been wonderful to be here and now it is time to go home to work and school and our real life....

Expect good things....

1 comment:

Roe said...

Sounds like a wonderful time. Hopefully we'll go apple picking in WI in the next few weeks..Your talking of apples has wet the appetite.