Thursday, November 18, 2010

@ 17....

How did it happen that Ned turned 17? Where did the years go? I know where the days went: diapers and nursing, reading aloud, learning to walk and talk, building extravagant Lego structures, train tracks that filled up the entire first floor of the house, Harry Potter, hours and hours of drumming practice, listening to and discussing all genres of music, working on farms and in gardens, practicing driving and discussing what the future holds. 

Those were the days, but the years...what happened to the years? 

My pride and greatest joy....happy birthday Ned.

Ned & Nonna, 1994
Ned, 1996
Ned, 2004
Ned, 2007
Ned, 2010

Expect good things.... 


Anita said...

This is EXACTLY how I felt on Oct 3 when Grant turned 16!! How did the time go so fast (and why do I still have his first pair of socks in my drawer)?

Happy birthday, Ned... Live long and prosper ;)

Anonymous said...

To the greatest nephew ever!
I adore this smart, generous and talented young man! I am lucky to know him and have him in my life! I am waiting anxiously to see where Ned will go in life...where ever it is, I know he will do great!
I love you Ned!
