Sunday, July 18, 2010

I went to the beach today with friends. It was a gorgeous day; the ocean was rowdy and full of big swells. If you went in, you would get pulled down the beach quite a way by the surf....too cold for me, but it was gorgeous. I saw people having lunch from the food shack @ the beach. The food looked good, but what I really noticed was all the containers.....the styrofoam cups (who would still use styrofoam? I have to research to find out if there is some kind of safe styrofoam), the plastic containters for the sandwiches (why can't they just wrap the sandwiches in butcher paper?), the straws and Naples, FL @ Lowdermilk Park, they don't have straws and lids and they have paper cups. Imagine how much less garbage there would be without the straws and lids. I made a sandwich @ home and will recycle the paper I wrapped it in. I had my cold drinks in reusable bottles or cans that will be recycled. I have been buying Sun Chips as well. The bags are compostable and I have a compost of my greatest thrills is seeing the worms working away in my compost pile. I buy food often when I am out....but I am very conscious of the trash @ the end. This idea of "one use" products has got to be something that we all become mindful of....the planet can not sustain it for long.

Sun Chips Link

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