Sunday, August 15, 2010

Something in the Air....

Sunflower, 8/15/10

....the light has a different slant, the breeze feels different--not quite as humid and sticky....Summer is slowing down and not as fierce in temperament as it was even last week. There is a definite shift going on.

I love this sunflower. It brought great joy to me as I admired it's progress over the past few weeks. It has been eaten by someone so it was a food source. It also looks like bees could have been in it (see the pollen on the bottom petals). So this single flower served many purposes for the short time it graced my deck. I am going to dry it out and save the seeds (the ones that are left after the birds get at them!) and plant them next summer.

I met a wonderful woman today, Georgia Van Ryzin, at an art fair in Montauk. She is making darling bags and skirts from vintage fabrics. You should try to find her at a fair next summer. I bought a sweet little shoulder bag that looks like Marimekko, but I don't think it is. I just love people who make things by hand, especially when it is out of recycled/reused materials....hers was one of the few booths that did not have inexpensive, mass produced merchandise (junk!) that was imported from China or India....she had the best booth @ the fair....I wish her great success and would love to buy one of her skirts next summer!

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