Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tulips, 2009

So due to some strange feelings I was having around my heart, my doctor sent me to a cardiologist. I am convinced that the feelings are hormonal in nature, but they decided to run the gamut of tests anyway. I was happy to oblige as a way to eliminate any guessing as to what the problem might be. I got flying colors on the EKG and stress test, and today had an echocardiogram. I was on my left side, facing away from the machine for most of the test. And then, the chatty, friendly technician asked me to turn and lay on my back. I could sort of see the screen from where I was, but I turned my head for a better look, and the tech turned the monitor toward me and turned the volume on the machine up....and I had one of those amazing moments of complete awe....it took my breath away. I thought: I am looking inside myself. That heart is mine, it is keeping me alive, it is making me breathe, and think, and see and do all the things that I am doing all the time. Wow....to see it and hear it, and to acknowledge it drove me to think about giving it the highest respect that I can....it is why I am here.

Expect good things.....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

here on the planet...