Thursday, August 26, 2010

Taking the Time to Walk in the Corn....

Corn on Long Lane, August 2010

Have you ever taken the time to walk in the corn? If not, I highly recommend it. Get out of your car and head right in between two rows.....stop and listen. It will probably be hushed, you may hear a car once in while, but mostly you will hear the rustling of the stalks, a crow in the sky above, maybe the footsteps of another creature somewhere up ahead. Closely look @ the colors of the, yellow, red....and look on the ground. There will be evidence there of critters who came before you....deer hooves and droppings (watch your step....wear you mucking boots for this!), feathers, eaten ears of corn, a variety of interesting bugs. And then, look up @ the sky through the stalks. The blue and the clouds are there looking down @ you in the field....imagine yourself in the middle of the field....let your imagination go. Give yourself the gift of taking the time to do this. It is something I have often thought of doing, but hadn't done until this week. When I did it, it was comforting and quiet, interesting and intriguing--real fulfillment for my soul....the world is a wonderful place.

Expect good things....

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